Windows 11 faces printing errors because of recent updates.

Microsoft has released an update for Windows 11 to fix a bug which causes printing errors. The update was pushed out on March 12th, but only yesterday did the issue come to light after many users reported that their inkjet printers were performing poorly because of the software upgrade.

The “windows 11 insider preview bugs” is a recent update that has caused many printing errors. This is because of the updates they have made to Windows 10.


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  • Patch Tuesday releases are the source of all of the printing issues that have arisen.
  • Issues with printing connections are unique to servers, notably those in organizations and businesses.
  • Microsoft has yet to provide a solution to the identified issue.



As a result, Windows upgrades continue to cause printer problems. This issue has yet to find a long-term solution.

Microsoft issued a disclaimer after the Patch Tuesday releases a few of weeks ago. Warnings of known problems were posted to the support sites for the KB5006674 and KBS5006670 releases.

Among the difficulties that customers may encounter after upgrading are 0x000006e4 (RPC S CANNOT SUPPORT), 0x0000007c (ERROR INVALID LEVEL), and 0x00000709 (ERROR INVALID PRINTER NAME).

The KB5006674 update is creating a slew of problems for Windows 11 users, although Microsoft has said that it is working to resolve the matter. Although there are few viable solutions to this problem, Microsoft has identified one that seems to be viable.

When attempting to connect to a distant printer that shares a Windows print server after upgrading to Windows 11, users may see the following errors:

  • 0x000006e4 (RPC S CANNOT SUPPORT) 0x000006e4 (RPC S CANNOT SUPPORT) 0x000006e4
  • (ERROR INVALID LEVEL) 0x0000007c

Parties that are impacted

The printer connection concerns noted, on the other hand, are unique to print servers. As a result, printers made primarily for household usage are unaffected by this problem. The most impacted printers are those utilized in businesses and organizations.

The multiple printing issues may all be traced back to the same upgrade, however they’ve all been fixed in future patch versions.

Users of Windows 10 are likewise affected by the KB5006670 update, resulting in the same difficulties. Microsoft has yet to provide a viable answer.

Have you had any issues with your printer after installing the update? Please share your thoughts in the comments box below.

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The “windows 11 bugs list” is a list of problems that Windows 11 faces. The most recent update has caused some printing errors.

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