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The role of the head of U.S. public policy

The head of U.S. public policy is responsible for engaging in and developing strategies to promote the civil and economic interests of the United States within the international community by using diplomatic, legislative, economic, technological and military means. This job can significantly impact the country’s influence abroad and its relationships with foreign governments in particular.

The head of U.S. public policy works closely with other U.S. foreign affairs team members, including representatives from multiple departments such as State, Defense and Commerce, to guide overall direction on foreign policy goals and objectives within an increasingly complex global environment. The role also helps coordinate responses to crises or unexpected situations that arise worldwide while advocating for a broad range of U.S.-focused policies at all levels of government both domestic and foreign through coordinated research, analysis, strategic advice, information sharing and diplomacy initiatives.

As such, this position is unique in requiring both comprehensive knowledge on international issues and effective interpersonal communication skills to build relationships across large swaths of society from business leaders to foreign dignitaries. The individual responsible for carrying out these roles must have a wide range of experience combined with strong attention to detail when working with any number of stakeholders involved in protecting America’s best interests abroad while supporting sound economic policies at home so that growth can be achieved within our global market impacts can be minimised where possible or appropriate regulations followed when needed by industries impacted by changes around the world impacting key markets addressed by U.S public policy makers.

Overview of the Role

Facebook is looking for an experienced leader to drive the development of our U.S. public policy strategy.

This individual will have the opportunity to build a team, shape the organisation’s policy objectives and work closely with senior leaders to develop and implement policy solutions to the issues facing our industry. It is a critical role, requiring an individual with an understanding of public policy and the ability to develop relationships with policy makers, stakeholders and other organisations.


As the head of U.S. public policy, the individual in this role is responsible for directing and developing policy initiatives on the national level. The head of U.S. public policy is also responsible for creating and maintaining a network with government entities at all levels and other influential parties such as industry associations and preferred vendors.

Specific responsibilities for this position include:

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  • Planning initiatives to positively influence both policy development and execution of programs (i.e., legislation, regulations, taxation)
  • Creating communication plans to effectively represent the organisation’s agenda to government entities, partners/customers, investors/analysts, employees, industry associations etc
  • Educating members of Congress on policy issues that are important to the organisation’s success
  • Monitoring regulatory developments at the federal level to advise senior management or specific departments so they can anticipate key changes that could impact operations
  • Staying abreast of current legislative issues by complying with all reporting requirements or making recommendations to executive management on activities or strategies that may need adjusting due to changes in public policy
  • Collaborating with trade/industry associations or other stakeholders within respective industries
  • Fostering strong relationships with senior government officials to successfully advance corporate objectives


To lead the U.S. public policy team, a successful candidate must possess a high level of knowledge and understanding of the political climate and related trends, with experience in legislative and regulatory analysis, government affairs, public policy research and development and advocacy. A strong professional network within government and the broader political landscape is essential. The role requires excellent communication skills to ensure successful collaboration with internal and external stakeholders at all levels of an organisation, as well as sound decision-making skills and the ability to influence outcomes while remaining pragmatic under pressure.

The ideal candidate will have deep insight into U.S.-based public policy issues including healthcare, national security, energy/environmental regulations, economic development programs or labour policies amongst other key areas of importance to the industry or organisation. In addition, they should have executed legislative or regulatory strategies successfully at the federal level or in one or more states for similar organisations/industries that have impacted positive results in furthering business initiatives through concrete actionable insights that enabled decision makers to take affirmative steps resulting in realised goals/outcomes.

A Bachelor’s degree is strongly preferred with 10+ years of experience working directly within legislation writing capacities such as working on Capitol Hill or law firms focusing solely on developing federal legislation along with a proven track record of success representing private companies before governmental agencies at both state and federal levels is necessary for consideration without any major lapses in activity records where it can be ascertained qualitative measures were achieved in cooperative fashion resulting positive changes that were documented either through press media acknowledgement or other confirming sources verified by employers/clients who can vouch for successful efforts when asked via reference checks during recruitment process for this role under consideration here today.


The Head of U.S. Public Policy’s role comes with various benefits that can make it a rewarding addition to an executive’s career path. Some of the benefits of this position include the opportunity to make a difference in society by helping shape public policy, the potential for excellent compensation, and the chance to interact with other influential members of government and business circles.

Regarding salary, those taking on this job often receive competitive compensation packages, including salaries, stock options, or corporate benefits such as retirement accounts or health insurance premiums. In addition, with public policy experience at the highest levels within an organisation, individuals in this role can also expect their reputations and profiles within professional circles and communities to be greatly enhanced.

The Head of U.S. Public Policy is responsible for developing policies that affect people’s lives on a huge scale and must often consider localised issues while they do so. This high-stakes ambition makes every day in this job exciting as one seeks to make impactful decisions while engaging in ongoing dialogues between governments, businesses, organisations, citizens, etc. In addition, those who thrive in this job never stop learning how their policies are faring against those at home and abroad—all these different interconnected strands coming together still excites people into taking up the particular post when its available in any organisation!

Facebook seeks a new head of U.S. public policy

Facebook is seeking a new head of U.S. public policy that could have significant implications for the tech giant’s presence in Washington amid growing scrutiny from lawmakers.

The role of the head of U.S. public policy will involve dealing with a wide range of issues, from the regulation of social media to the protection of user privacy. Moreover, as Facebook continues to evolve and expand, this individual will assume a key role in the company’s strategic efforts.

Advocating for Facebook’s Interests

The Head of U.S. Public Policy at Facebook is responsible for proactively advocating for the company’s interests before various branches of government, including the White House, Congress, federal regulators and state legislators. This role also involves leading a team of policy professionals collaborating with relevant stakeholders across the industry and government, managing internal public policy affairs functions, and performing other necessary duties to ensure that Facebook’s product launches and strategic initiatives remain on track.

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The Head of U.S. Public Policy advocates for Facebook’s interests within the framework of relevant laws and regulations enacted by governmental authorities at all levels in the United States; develops long-term relationships with policy makers; prepares comments on proposed laws and regulations; represents Facebook in proceedings or negotiations related to its public policy objectives or defences; participates in industry forums, hearings or events designed to influence the course or outcome of regulatory decision making; produces speculations concerning legal developments that might impact upon Facebook’s commercial activities; develops strategies for companies’ competitive positions to prevent competitive threats; monitors trends in public sentiment regarding social media initiatives needing government oversight; coordinates communications across internal stakeholders concerning public issues impacting any segment of society using Facebook Platforms, etc.

The Head of U.S Public Policy is also responsible for providing strategic insight into their assigned shaping Twitter’s external policies through proactive engagement with regulated markets in identifying opportunities like new legislation or regulatory reforms beneficial to their goals as well as understanding policy development dynamics by building comprehensive intelligence via extensive monitoring of official published information sources such as newswires and other influential persons/institutions when it comes to issues like privacy policies, internet censorship, taxation & spending effects on business operations etc.. In addition this role requires staying abreast with current legislative happenings throughout US that may affect US technology businesses comprising both domestic/international policies across fields such as consumer protection/privacy law reform & cyber security frameworks so they can be proactive & well versed while working with external stakeholders like congressional committees, regulators & consumer organisation representatives.

Building Relationships

The head of U.S. public policy plays a vital role in building relationships between the U.S. government and foreign governments, the private sector, and citizens worldwide. In doing so, this person is responsible for identifying current and prospective global trends that may affect the direction of U.S. policy and amplifying the voice of American values in international discourse.

Building relationships requires subjective qualities such as knowledge, skill, creativity and self-confidence to bridge gaps between potentially disparate interests of various stakeholders on a given issue or questions facing society today. To do so effectively, a public policy leader must possess excellent diplomatic skills for negotiating with foreign counterparts yet be able to put forth persuasive arguments using facts and evidence when required to gain support from various countries or entities for taking action on issues like human rights or poverty alleviation initiatives.

The head of U.S public policy must work closely with other high-level government leaders from around the world such as Foreign Ministers or Ambassadors to develop successful policies that are enacted within mutually accepted timeframes while forging strategic partnerships in furtherance of lasting global stability, prosperity and peace-building initiatives where necessary and viable options exist. These high-level members must have strong background knowledge concerning emerging global threats regarding cyber security, climate change, autonomous weapons, potentially hazardous pandemics, and existing geopolitical risks further exacerbated by globalisation. This leader must use available data including economic data, legal analysis, and research findings to build successful models for effective risk management that can be implemented internationally.

Developing Strategies

The role of the head of U.S. Public Policy is to lead their organisation in developing and implementing policy strategies that best promote public interests. This includes forming relationships with Congressional staff and agency representatives to create opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration on initiatives and solutions. The head of U.S. Public Policy should also continually monitor new legislation, court decisions, and agency regulations to anticipate the impact they could have on an organisation’s stance in a specific policy area or region, as well as actively oversee program planning to ensure events are properly planned, funded, staffed, and executed.

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Developing strategies also involves working with consultants or other professionals to conduct research on key issues so that information can be provided for strategic government decisions and policy or budget proposals that support a shared vision of success; writing reports on proposed initiatives for regional offices; presenting information about issues or policies at conferences or symposia; engaging with stakeholders such as industry groups, state lawmakers and congressional representatives; networking with experts from diverse fields; leveraging data from research projects related to policy initiatives; staying current on laws related to specific industries; advocating efforts that advance an organisation’s mission through involvement in relevant committees and task forces; leading lobbying campaigns related to public policy issues affecting an organisation’s mission; coordinating with government entities such as the White House Office of Science & Technology Policy (OSTP) regarding technology-based policy objectives.

Finally, strategizing how best to leverage media channels cost-efficiently for heightened awareness about pressing legislative matters or organisational goals should be considered when leading efforts in public policy strategy development.

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